Prenatal Education
Breastfeeding Basics
Latching issues
Pumping/Flange sizing
Low supply
Tongue/Lip Tie
Returning to work
Exclusive pumping
Teething & breastfeeding
Starting solids & breastfeeding

You don't have to do this alone, I'm here for you!!

Breastfeeding can be challenging.

Help is available

Many insurance companies provide
FREE home visits.

The professional and compassionate care you need and deserve

Book appointment

In-home visits not covered by your insurance? You can still pay for your home visit up front and then receive a super bill to submit to insurance to request reimbursement.  Many insurance companies reimburse for lactation care but this is not guaranteed.  I will help you navigate through this process.  I take cash, credit, and FSA/HSA cards. 


home self-pay

Book appointment

If your insurance provider doesn't cover in-home visits, most in-office visits are still covered.  My office is located in West Point and you will love this cozy, welcoming office where you will get all the amazing care you'd get at an in-home visit.  You can book directly with link below.  You will receive additional booking information once appointment is confirmed.  



Tell me more

Many insurance companies cover at-home visits. Where better to get lactation help than in the comfort of your own home where you breastfeed the most!  I assess mom and baby and see how breastfeeding is going. At every visit (in home or in office) a baby weight will be obtained.    Together we develop a plan to help you meet your breastfeeding goals.  Let's see what your insurance covers!  


at home 

Visit Options


I will observe a feeding and help you make any adjustments needed to help you get in a more comfortable position for you and baby, get a deeper and more effective latch, and address any concerns with latch that you may have.  

Before our visit, I send out a detailed health history to be filled out to better identify your unique needs before we meet.  

looks like...

A physical examination of mom and baby is done to help identify anything that is effecting breastfeeding and may need to be addressed. Each visit includes weighing baby.  We can also do a weighted feeding which means we will weigh baby, you'll feed baby, and then we will weigh again to get a really good picture of how much baby is able to take in during a feeding.  

A care plan is provided that will include educational material and anticipatory guidance to help you navigate through your breastfeeding journey.  Questions are answered and a plan for follow up is made if needed.  

Ashley B.
(google review)

I was ready to give up and use formula after hearing my baby wasn't gaining enough.  I am so glad we got in contact with Jaime.  With just two sessions, my baby has gained weight and our feedings have become more efficient.  I couldn't recommend Jaime enough!

"I couldn't recommend Jaime enough!"

I am super thankful that we were referred to her! She's very knowledgeable and patient.  She always answered all of my questions and explained things thoroughly.  I'll forever be grateful for all of her help!

"Jaime has been a huge help during my breastfeeding journey.  

Jam designs

I was close to wanting to give up on breastfeeding but Jaime helped us work on getting a good latch and gave me peace of mind that my baby was getting enough food during his feedings."

"Everyone should take advantage of a lactation consultant to make the hard breastfeeding journey easier, and Jaime is the best!

Our Clients Are Raving About Us


EmmA D.
(google Review)

Dina F. 
(Google Review)

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